Get 10 Years Out of Your Driveway

Our driveways can last up to 10 years with regular upkeep and maintenance. The life expectancy of a gravel depends upon the variations of a driveway including slope, curves and the stability of the sub-grade and the climate you live in.

Maintenance Tips for Your New Gravel Driveway

  • Annual Herbicide Application
  • Replacement of Displaced Gravel
  • Weed Pulling & Raking
  • Clean Drainage Ditches

To keep your new gravel driveway looking good and lasting longer herbicide applied annually or bi- annually is necessary to minimize vegetation growth. If you have drainage ditches you should keep them cleaned out for proper drainage flow. Also sprucing up, and or, adding additional aggregate may be needed every two to three years to keep it looking like new.

We offer maintenance and service packages to residential, commercial, industrial and municipal accounts. Ask about our packages to ensure the longevity of your gravel driveway and save you money.

Non-toxic Week Killer Recipe

  • 1/2 gallon of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1/2 cup Table Salt
  • 1/2 Tsp Dawn Liquid Dish Soap

Mix above ingredients together in a spray bottle and spray weeds thoroughly.

Note: The Dawn dish soap strips the weeds of their protective oils so the vinegar can work quickly. This week killer will only cost about $6.50 to make a 1/2 gallon and works much better than most store purchased weed killers.

This solution is safe for children and pets!

Driveway Driveway Driveway